Wear it Wednesday | Volume 23: Stocking Stuffer Edition

i just love stockings, or Christmas socks as my husband’s family calls them. i remember growing up, my mom never skimped on our stockings. as we got older she began forgetting to fill them or things were too heavy for her little fancy socks so she put things in our “school cupboard” but regardless, she never went wimpy on the stockings.

since my little family began stockings have been a special item for christmas for us as well. beginning our family with one minimum income we didn’t have a whole lot of money for the holidays so we chose to simply fill stockings. Bennett’s first year we knew he wouldn’t remember a whole lot of gifts or fancy things so we put a “baby’s first christmas” ornament in his stocking. i made each stocking from a sweater from the thrift shop and have another one to do for our newest one.

anyways, shelby and i wanted to share some great stocking stuffer ideas on this blustery Wear it Wednesday! I have to begin with some of the great Noonday items that will tickle any girl in the stocking…haha! each item should be linked below the photo for your convenience!

holiday gift suggestions7

enchanted headband | tasseled jewelry roll | astrida bag | minted necklace | metallic pearls

holiday gift suggestions8

cow horn | enamel hoop | golden orbit | jewel drop | market hoop

holiday gift suggestions9

clustered bracelets | faceted glass bangle | festival bracelets | funky paper bead | orchid rope | safari stack

here are a few ideas that aren’t Noonday for you:

stocking stuffers under 50 by the creative jayne

Burt’s Bees Gift Set | hot cocoa gift set | essie winter nail colors | rifle paper co phone cover | sephora brush set

and last but not least, for him. typically i fill my hubby’s stocking with loads of treats, his favorite candies, beef jerky, a can or two of mnt dew…i have added a few more creative ideas in the last few years: golf tees, lunch gift cards (subway, mcdonald’s, arby’s, wendy’s, etc.), gas cards (you’d be surprised how excited he is about a $25 gas card!), a new tie, tie clips, little picture frames for his desk, cd’s or itunes cards, a new wallet, $5 movie from walmart (although now that we have amazon prime i will not be shopping at walmart anymore…), movie tickets, wool socks, new undies (yep, it’s a rarity here)…

for the kiddos we fill it with surprises from the dollar section at target, treats to munch on through the day, a christmas movie, a color book, stickers, fuzzy socks, a new tooth brush (yes, they are still excited about new tooth brushes!), bath sets (one year i found them little loofahs that had the characters from Planes attached), new undies for the older one…

did these give you any ideas for your stocking wishlist or to grab for your special guy or your littles this year?

what do you usually put in your family stockings?

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